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Why Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum Blues

The term “postpartum depression” or PPD refers to depressive occurrences following childbirth. These can occur after the birth of any child, not just the first. These depressive episodes can even follow a miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy.

Postpartum blues, or baby blues, are usually characterized by mild sadness, anxiety, irritability, fluctuating moods, and fatigue. These blues are fairly normal and are mostly short-lived, fading away within about ten days after childbirth even without medical help.

According to the research of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1 out of 10 new mothers experience the rise of these feelings during the first few days, even appearing several months after the birth.

A full-fledged postpartum depression induces the feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair which are so intense that the new mother has trouble coping with her daily tasks. Moreover, between 1 and 3 new mothers in every 1,000 suffer an even more severe case of depression called postpartum psychosis. This involves delusions or hallucinations that often cause the mother to hurt herself or her baby. This latter condition requires immediate and serious medical attention.

Causes of Postpartum Depression

As of the moment, the definite cause of postpartum depression is yet to be identified. Both physical and emotional factors are the foremost triggers of depression. One physical factor is the plummeting of estrogen and progesterone levels within 24 to 48 hours after delivery which creates an abrupt change in the physiological state of the body. The way it triggers depression is the same as when having moods swings or menstrual tensions.

The level of hormones produced by the thyroid may also drop after childbirth. This could result in symptoms that mimic depression. For these reasons researchers are calling PPD a “biochemical and hormonal disorder.” In one medical newsletter, it was noted that postpartum depression may be caused by a nutritional imbalance, perhaps a B-complex deficiency.

Fatigue and lack of sleep also plays a role in the occurrence of depression. Shortly after childbirth, lack of energy and inability to sleep could make minor problems seem much more major. Some women tend to be frustrated in facing tasks that have become difficult after delivery due to fatigue. Emotional factors such as an unplanned pregnancy, a premature birth, loss of freedom, concern about attractiveness and lack of support can add up to cause depression. Hence, with the many causes of this depression, it is then worthwhile to know the different postpartum depression treatments available for sufferers today.



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