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Children Separation Anxiety Disorder

The Causes of Separation Anxiety

Many issues may occur in our entire life that is beyond our ability to control and may produce Severe Separation Anxiety Disorder. New babies are born then they will develop to be toddlers, children, young adults and eventually they all become grown-up people. People will be married and will have their new babies born. Some married couples will survive and endure a happy marriage life until they get old, but some families are not that lucky because they get divorced or separated for whatever causes. Grown-up people will grow older when eventually they will die. This is called the fact of life.

Anybody Can Suffer From Separation Anxiety Disorder

A divorce that occurs in a family with children will create a psychological trauma for their children. This trauma functions as a scar happens in the children’s soul which wounded the young feeling deeply. Children need their parents love to grow peacefully and normally; otherwise, children may suffer from Severe Separation Anxiety Disorder for their entire life.

The parents themselves can also suffer from Severe Separation Anxiety Disorder because of their separation. As a human being we need to live in a harmonious and close relationship family where we can count on each other, can love and be loved by each other inside a familiar circumstance with familiar family members.

Children live with a stepmother or stepfather; a woman or a man lives with a stepdaughter or stepson. They can become victims of Severe Separation Anxiety Disorder.

Children separation anxiety is better to be treated in early stage, otherwise the symptoms may get more serious and complicated as they grow older and get exposed to many other contributing factors.

Effects of Anxiety Disorder

Emotionally hurt people may develop Severe Separation Anxiety Disorder.If we suffer from Separation Anxiety, basically our mind will try to seek a kind of ”remedy” to compensate the uncomfortable feelings that we suffer from. The results can include emotional numbness, obsessive dwelling on the cause of the anxiety or withdrawal from the world. Bad addictions such as alcoholism, obsessive addiction to something like videogames may develop with these people.

In the long run if the sufferer does not get any help, another complication effects may develop in their body. This is what is referred to as psychosomatic disease. The physical effects are real such as increase in blood pressure, increase in heartbeat, tension of muscles and excessive sweating.

Anxiety Disorder Cure

Different people react differently from condition that creates anxiety because every human being is unique. Same happening may give different effects to different people. The degrees of severity suffer by anxiety disorder victims vary. Fortunately there are many and various ways for Anxiety Disorder Cure.

You can treat your anxiety by yourself if your anxiety is mild as long as you are determined to do so. In most if not all cases of treating anxiety, the individual is encouraged to be strong enough to deal with it and address it by himself. Treating an anxiety attack can be strenuous in itself so a lot of practice is necessary.

Another alternative way of treating anxiety in mild cases is by aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is combination of scents therapy and massages. Lavender is one very effective aromatherapy scent that can be effective in treating anxiety and depression. Other scents are recommended for aromatherapy treatment of depression and anxiety.

If your anxiety becomes more severe, definitely you need to see a doctor. Sometimes this might take a while and you need to explore several different options before you find the right one. This is perfectly normal. It's nothing to be anxious about. Your doctor should be able to find the right combination of medications and therapy.

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