When a person experiences symptoms of stress, it is important to realize that the diversity is as important as the symptoms themselves. One needs to be sure of the variations it takes in the body and the way in which it affects the various systems in a multiplicity of ways.

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Worry and anxiety are common but there should be a limit to it. When it crosses that threshold, anxiety and worry start sounding dangerous. The danger is because they affect our routine lives and threaten our emotional and physical well being. Regardless of the reasons, anxiety and worry exert a lot of stress on our minds. One must learn to diminish this stress and make life less complicated. Learning to develop effective ways of dealing with anxiety and worry can help in this direction.


Delay to Worry – Why not wait till the future problem occurs, then we start to worry about it! This is a very powerful method to shift the mind from the problems and focus on solving the issues at hand, not only more productive, but very effective against anxiety attack. When the source of anxious stops, eventually the attack would stop as well…

Make a resolution – Making a firm resolution of dealing with anxiety and worry can help brighten things up. Thinking about a problem cannot bring forth any solutions. Tackling the problem will help to dispel the anxiety. If finances are a problem, then working towards getting more funds and decreasing expenditure will solve the problem. There are certain problems which have no solutions. Training the mind to think that worrying is pointless can also help the person.

Identify and control bad thoughts – Unrealistic goal and wishes should be avoided, especially when a goal can’t be reach or a problem can’t be solved. Certain wishes and stress are good to drive a person into success, however, each goal should allow for sufficient time and resources to complete, when the schedule too tight, it would lead to too many anxiety. We can identify our worry is good or bad, and only choose to solve the good worries, and avoid the bad, this is how you should be dealing with anxiety and worry.

Ignore unnecessary problems – When you are facing certain problems, you should be ignoring it if this is a tiny little issue. Unless you have a lot of time, you should sort your problems by importance and priority. If you can’t accept the little mistakes or problems, you will fill your mind with anxiety.

Trust Yourself – You must trust yourself, believe that you will recover from the anxiety disorder, and you are capable to handle panic attacks. When you encounter a problem, you will try your best to find the solution, and if the problem can’t be solve, you will accept the fact that it is unsolvable. Accept criticism and constantly improve your skills to solve the problems will help you build up your self-confidence. Detach your mind from the unsolvable problems and concentrate on solving the issues at hand, trust yourself in dealing with anxiety and worry!

Question yourself – Analyzing worries and thinking about how small they are will help to overcome them. Evaluating the importance given to unnecessary matters is effective in minimizing anxiety. Questioning oneself about the relevance of a matter will show it in its true light.


Frequently doing exercise would help to relieve anxiety, especially soft exercise like Yoga, Taiji, Qigong or mediation. This kind of exercise will relieve the mind and relax the body, regular practice would help to recover from anxiety, bit by bit, and eventually free the mind from anxiety. This is one of the best way in dealing with anxiety and worry.

Another very effective treatment are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this is one of the most effective psychological methods to treat panic attack, and 2 of the most recommended CBT Program are Panic away and The Linden Method. See Panic Away Reviews or The Linden Method Reviews for more information.


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